Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Economists unhappy

 There is no decent Chinese worship of the Nobel Prize economist. Nobel's new division champion would inevitably have to be invited to China. Paul Krugman is no exception, sneak in a trip to China Economics named strange things. point, do not know whether Krugman talked about, anyway, I was told. China is a developing economy, but also the rapid development of the economy. the past is often double-digit growth rates, and now even slower growth, but also generally can maintain a growth rate it seventy-eight%. The United States is mature and developed economy. overheated economy but forty-five% when the growth of it. now faces the global economic crisis, negative growth was not good. money into high growth rates should the economy in the high rate of return. how can countries with high growth rates to lend money to low-growth countries? to make a not so proper but very intuitive example, you put money in the bank, if you put a 9% annual interest rate not to, and the choice of 2% per annum, are you Luge Man refute the viewpoint. He believes that China's trade surplus Zhu Yao is still in the to the accumulation of savings by investing with out, so do government departments in the outward investment. from the past two decades, the United States and other foreign debt is relatively up to buy the most secure. in the world market looks cheap? Our land prices, labor costs, including corporate environmental support are not into the cost, so what are they selling anything on the cheap. , I always think he is in support of Krugman's point of view. Zui Krugman stimulate the Chinese economists place is his view that China's export surplus is not the so-called results. Mr. Wang said, Man or point out two key Chinese economy. Mr. Wang Songqi also clearly see this. first, too far behind China's financial markets, do not know how to spend money. Otherwise, why should the Shanghai into the world Financial Center's strategic goals? Second, China's many economic and social policies can not keep up economic development, such as health insurance, education investment, retirement and so on. these basic social spending, in fact, the composition of the labor costs are section. Education is the means of creating value of labor, health insurance is necessary for labor the price of labor, , full payment of the cost of labor. Now China needs to make many things, such as real compulsory education, universal health insurance, pension, etc., all need a lot of money Caixing. If these are not for lying, but the money in the United States The bonds, how could not a shows the Chinese economists Man blindly for the United States to speak, and finally concluded: safeguard their national interests. But, say his speech is to defend U.S. interests as a priority, to give up the principles of economics, it is indeed too much a child. American politicians to defend U.S. interests. economists need to defend their own academic standards . I can not see Krugman contrary to the interests of the United States what economists criteria. I ask you: What is the current Sino-US relations in the best interests of the United States? you look at Hillary Clinton's first visit as Secretary of State remarks on the crystal clear, that is to persuade China to buy U.S. treasury bonds, other issues are secondary. Paul Krugman's words and deeds, by contrast, the number of shows that he as an economist or a political independent.
you know, debt of the United States, to be out of the current crisis must be a lot of debt. China to buy U.S. bonds, will greatly reduce the interest on U.S. treasury bonds and lower borrowing costs. encourage the Chinese to buy U.S. bonds, the U.S. economy has become the core of the strategy. particularly in recent The United States issued the bond market response is inadequate, China and other creditor countries to continue to subscribe to the U.S. Treasury has not been so enthusiastic, resulting in increased national debt interest. Wall Street a lot of people think that this is the biggest threat to the U.S. economy, very frightened. In this juncture, Krugman went to the United States where the largest creditor, to remind you to buy U.S. Treasury bonds to think twice, it is also called In the rely on the financial markets. The Government can use financial markets to achieve their political objectives, but not according to their own political goals to create an efficient financial market. those who obey the command of the financial markets, the use of financial law of the country to achieve political objectives, often set up their own financial center. as Amsterdam, London, and Wall Street. those who attempt to create political objectives, control of financial markets in countries such as the Bourbons of France, eventually led to financial bankruptcy. If the Chinese in their own land to build the world financial center, it must get rid of manipulation. Krugman's China trip is revealed: China's economic circles and the media does not pass in this regard. China to create a world financial center in the soft environment, there is still a long way to go.

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